Monday, December 31, 2012

Reflections of 2012

2012 has been kind. That's if I were to be extremely optimistic. Truth to be told, there were more down moments than up moments in my life in 2012. Family ties, relationship issues and struggles with studies just made the year barely bearable for me.

I said that this year has been kind because there wasn't any major hiccups in 2012 and I'm really grateful to wake up each morning, feeling alive. Only issues were emotional struggles, which I'm sure are nothing compared to others who had a tough year.

I'm really glad I managed to get pass all these moments, which made me a better, stronger and more forgiving person. I came to a realisation that sometimes, giving in little more than I intend to can actually solve the issues much better. Nothing is as important as the happiness of everyone. But this realization made me lose myself a little each time something happens.

So, 2013's resolution is to stay true to myself, but also be the best for everyone else. I'm definitely going to continue my little efforts of doing little actions to make someone's day.

Never underestimate how simple things like a sincere 'Thank You' and a genuine smile can make someone's day.
I'm just extremely glad the world didn't end in 2012 (I get more and more paranoid year by year as I get older. So paranoid I can't even.... That's why I'm such a negative person) and I have the whole of 2013 to make whatever I didn't do right in 2012, right. And I so need to complete The Secret to make me a better person.

Cheers to 2013 and I hope 2012 has been kind to you too!

Lots of love, CX

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